Photo Journal (Palo duro canyon)
Andromeda over Red Star Hoodoo
This past Autumn, I had an idea of photographing the Red Star Hoodoo of Palo Duro Canyon with a backdrop of stars. From where this lesser known structure sits just off the trail, it is relatively easy to downclimb into a valley and shoot upwards toward the hoodoo with the twinkling of a million stars overhead...
Return to Palo Duro Canyon
Not long ago, I was able to take a quick trip to one of my favorite places in Texas, Palo Duro Canyon. This time, I did not explore any new places, but instead opted to shoot some familiar locations...
Ready for Spring
I am ready for Spring. We've survived Snowpocalypse 2021, I took the Moderna vaccine (the second shot kicked my arse), and now I'm ready for things to warm up. This has been a challenging last few months, and I'm hopeful we're rounding a corner...
Goodbye 2020 - My Favorites from the Past Year
The last ten months have been a struggle for many folks, and I am sure most of us are ready to say goodbye to 2020. Before moving forward, I'd like to share my favorite photographs from this year. Business was slow in the spring, but seemed to pick up in early November...
The Beauty of Palo Duro Canyon
I was not made to sit inside. The outdoors calls me – is my happy place. And my photography is was allows me to seek out adventures across Texas and beyond. The last time I had my camera out was to photograph the comet NEOWISE, and that was in late July...